Duftite with Mimetite

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Mount Bonnie, Grove Hill, Victoria-Daly Region, Northern Territory, Australia
Duftite is rarely found in display quality pieces and only from the classic locations of Mount Bonnie and Tsumeb. This remarkable specimen for quality and size is from the Mount Bonnie mine in Australia; bright green Duftite crystals liberally coat an open goethite matrix with associated tan coloured mimetites, the mimetites becoming more dominant towards the edges and back face. Ex. J. Sheraton collection.
Formulas: Duftite PbCu(AsO4)(OH); Mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
Status: Available
Dimensions: 135x100x68mm
Size: Large Cabinet (L)
Minerals of the English Midlands
Minerals of the English Midlands
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