Fluorite, Quartz and Siderite

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Silverdykes vein, Blackdene mine, Ireshopeburn, Weardale, Co. Durham, England
Blackdene mine worked a number of veins, including for a short time Silverdykes vein an offshoot from Slitt vein. This vein produced specimens quite different from the purple fluorite normally associated with the mine as this specimen shows. The fluorite crystals are straw coloured and associated with quartz and siderite - a very attractive combination. The large crystal has a couple of small nicks but specimens like this were collected some 50-60 years ago by miners whose main job was to produce industrial grades of fluorspar rather than specifically for mineral collectors as we have now.
Formulas: Fluorite CaF2; Quartz SiO2; Siderite Fe2+CO3
Status: Sold
Dimensions: 83x80x30mm
Size: Small Cabinet (S)
Minerals of the English Midlands
Minerals of the English Midlands
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