
Steetley Refractories, Steetley, Derbyshire, England


Corundum crystal specimens were obtained from a tunnel kiln at Steetley Refractories, which had been in continuous operation from 1971 to 1986. The kiln was used to produce furnace lining for steel works and its normal operating temperature was 1770 °C.

In 1986 the kiln lining was deemed to be life expired and the kiln allowed to slowly cool ready for re-lining. After cooling the lining was removed and well formed hexagonal corundum crystals of various hues - red, blue, pink and white were found in voids in the alumina lining. 

This is one of those specimens - well crystallised, predominently pale pink (ruby ) in colour with a small area of pale blue (sapphire). Strong responce to UV light. Unusual & interesting!

Formula: Al2O3

Status: Sold

Dimensions: 120x70x50mm

Size: Large Cabinet (L)

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