Calcite - Axe-head twin

Moor Farm Quarry, Bonsall Moor, Matlock, Derbyshire, England


Single transparent calcite crystal showing the rare 'Axe-head' twinning.  Moor Farm quarry is known for producing a limited number of these twins from a single cavity in 1981 but none since and the quarry is worked out and overgrown. This crystal shows clear 'Axe-head' twinning and is a small but good example from the find.  Ex. Alan Wardman collection. For more details about the find see Roy Starkey's excellent book Minerals of the English Midlands (published 2018)- Page 75

Formula: CaCO3

Status: Sold

Dimensions: 32x20x30mm

Size: Miniature (M)

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